General sailing tips

Embarking on a sailing adventure?

Ensure a safe and enjoyable journey with these essential tips.

For a more in-depth exploration of safety precautions and additional insights, check out our comprehensive guide on sailing safety.

These tips, along with others, are detailed in our complete article dedicated to ensuring a secure and memorable sailing experience.


Closed Hatches

Hatches closedKeep hatches closed during sailing to prevent clothes and sheets from getting wet.

Ensure that all hatches are securely closed while sailing to prevent water from entering the living quarters.

This not only protects your clothes and sheets from getting wet but also maintains a comfortable and dry environment on board.

Children and safety first

Always prioritize the safety of children on board.

Ensure they wear life jackets, familiarize them with emergency procedures, and designate specific areas that are safe for them to explore.

Additionally, consider installing a safety net on the boat to create an extra layer of protection, preventing accidental falls and providing parents with added peace of mind.

Vigilance is key to a secure sailing experience for everyone.

Deck Caution

The deck poses a risk of injury not only due to slipperiness but also from inadvertently kicking objects like ropes and rigging while hurriedly moving barefoot.

There's a potential for serious harm, including the risk of losing a toenail, if we unintentionally collide with these items or the rigging on the deck.

To prevent such injuries, it's crucial to wear suitable footwear or exercise extreme caution when walking barefoot.

Sun Protection

The Mediterranean sun can be intense.

Protect yourself by wearing sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses.
Seek shade during peak sunlight hours and stay hydrated.

Taking these precautions ensures an enjoyable sailing experience without the risk of sunburn or heat-related issues.

Secure Belongings

Before setting sail, stow away loose items and secure fragile objects to prevent them from shifting or breaking during the journey.

This proactive measure ensures a smooth and safe sailing experience without the worry of items becoming projectiles in rough seas.

Boom Awareness

Stay vigilant and aware of the boom's movement during sailing.

A sudden jibe or unexpected maneuver can pose a risk of being hit.

Always stay on the lookout, especially when adjusting sails, and brief the crew on safety protocols to minimize the risk of accidents.

Gas Safety

Properly handle and store gas containers to avoid leaks or accidents.

Follow safety guidelines for using cooking appliances and ensure proper ventilation.

This precaution is crucial for preventing gas-related incidents and maintaining a secure environment on the boat.

Skipper's Guidance

The skipper is responsible for the safety of the crew and the vessel.

Follow their instructions attentively, whether it's related to navigation, emergency procedures, or general protocols.

Clear communication and adherence to the skipper's guidance contribute to a well-coordinated and safe sailing experience.